From following specific diets to forbidden board games, the Most-watched family in the world has more weird rules than you’d expect. Most common being the Queen standing if the Queen stands every should stand up, it’s a protocol for everyone to follow. But for the Majesty Queen, she doesn’t have to follow some specific rules. The Queen doesn’t need a passport as all UK passports are issued on her name. but the royal family has some set of rules to follow.

The Queen doesn’t have to have a driver’s license either, she can drive whatever she wants, she is the Queen duh!! But these perks are reserved only for the majesty. Aside from the materialistic wealth Queen Elizabeth owns a bunch of sea creatures. The Queen owns dolphins, whales, and sturgeon when they wash ashore or captured withing 3 miles of U.K. shores. The rest of the Royal family has some specific set of rules to follow.
Rules that the Royal family should follow
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is Britain’s longest-ruling monarch with 76 years, having ascended to the throne in 1953 at the age of 25. There is a planned protocol for her death. There will be 12 officials days of mourning and then Queen will lie in the state with the public being able to pay respects before she is buried.
Queen has an interesting rule for her inevitable demise, she wants the public mood somber going so far so to ban laughter to make that happen. She has strictly forbidden humorous show being aired on the public TV for the 12 official days between her death and her funeral. BBC and other public channels must show pre-recorded documentaries about the Queen’s life which she had already picked out.

Unline us who celebrate only a single birthday, the Queen has two birthdays. One as the Officially as the British head of state and other the Queen’s birthday. Her first birthday which is her original is on 21st April and Officially as the British head of State on the second Saturday in June. This trend is however set by King George II, as his birthday was in winters so he set one for the public on the second Saturday of June as it would be summer at that time and he will get to celebrate it with the public.
Political Views
The Royal Family can’t have any political views nor they can run for office, members of the royal family aren’t allowed to hold any type of political office.
Two Heirs aren’t allowed to travel together
When Price George turns 12, he and William cannot fly together, they will have to fly separately. If something bad happens two heirs for the thrown aren’t allowed to sit together.
Shellfish is a big no and the Queen dislikes garlic
The Royal family doesn’t eat shellfish as it’s a food group that tends to have a higher risk of food poisoning and allergic reactions. For similar reasons, the Royal Family avoids rare meat, no tap water in foreign countries and heavily spiced foods.

The Queen isn’t a fan of Garlic, thus it’s not used in the meals she hosts. When the Royal family is invited, Buckingham palace staff sends a list of the royal likes and dislikes.
In 2000, when Queen Elizabeth stayed with the Italian President, his staff received a 6-page document. The list included no garlic, no long pasta, and no tomato sauces.
When Queen stops eating, everyone should also stop.
aside from all of the usual polite social manners you should display while eating at a royal banquet, there’s only one really important rule. The moment the Queen stops eating, every else should stop eating too.
The Queen loves her dogs, but unfortunately, the Royal Corgi line died out in 2018, the Queen still keeps a few other dogs. Apparently there’s a rule that the Dogs cannot be scolded or discipline by palace staff. Also, their diet is probably better than you.

They are fed individually designed gourmet meals. The palace kitchen receives a royal dog menu each month created by the dog’s caretaker. These meals often include Chichen, lamb or rabbit. Also, no bones.
Bright Colors
The Queen generally dresses monochromatic but insists on wearing bright colors such as fuschia– that way she’s easier to see even from within a crowd. The members of the royal family must dress appropriately for every occasion. Army dresses must be worn by the Royal family during weddings and other occasions.
Hats and Tiaras
The queen required royal ladies to wear a head covering, but after 6 pm Tiaras are on and hats are off. If the Royal Family is attending any event after 6 P.M, married Royal women wear a tiara, and the unmarried young royal ladies do not wear anything on their head for nighttime events.

Queen’s Purse and Dinner
Why does the queen need a purse when there are several people to carry the Majesty’s stuff. The Queen’s purse is used to separately gestures her indications to staff members. If the Queen shifts her purse from her left arm to her right, it means she’s ready to wrap up the conversation and would like her staff member to whisk her away.

During dinner, if the Queen places her handbag on the table, she is indicating her staff that she would leave in five minutes. If the Queen leaves her purse on the floor she is telling the staff that she if bored of the conversation and would like to be rescued by the lady-in-waiting.
No touching the Royals
The public is not allowed to touch the Royal family and no selfies either. To an American eye, there was nothing strange about a sweaty LeBron James putting his arm around Kate to pose for a photograph after his Cleveland Cavaliers played the Brooklyn Nets on Monday evening. To the British, though, merely touching the Duchess of Cambridge represents a serious breach in etiquette.

Black Outfit
All members of the family must pack a black outfit while on a trip, in case there is a sudden death while they’re away. When they return from the trip they will be photographed so they should be in the appropriate mourning clothes.

Tailored Shorts
The Royal great-grandsons Prince George and Prince Louis only wear tailored shorts. Dating back to the 16th century, from toddler age until turned 8 years old, the boys in the royal and aristocracy must wear tailored shorts. Trousers are for older boys and men pa pair of trousers on a young boy is considered “middle class.”
Queen’s approval
It goes without saying that wedding dresses required the Queen’s approval, Royal brides have some freedom in style and shape and select the dress they like, the Queen has the final say on the Gown’s design and aesthetic.
The trend of asking the father’s permission for marrying her daughter doesn’t work in the Royal Family. Those in the Royal Family marriage muse ask the Queen for permission to propose.
This was actually law– according to the Royal Marriage Act of 1772, royal descendants had to seek the monarch’s consent before proposing. Only the first 6 people the monarch’s succession must ask for permission.
Royal family members were formidable to marry Roman Catholic but in 2013 Royals may marry a partner of any faith assuming they receive permission if needed.
No Monopoly
The Queen loves playing Charades and fancies herself a great actress and she always wins. Harry allegedly warned Meghan not to upstage the queen during charades during her first Christmas with her inlaws in 2018. While the Queen loves the Charades but Monopoly is forbidden in the Royal family.
Now you know the Weird rules of Royal Family, you might also like reading about The Sad Story behind the ghost of Bloody Mary, or the Serial Killer with an IQ of 145 and a height of 6″9 also called Gentle Giant.